Fitness Resources

At Men of Frame, we believe that building a strong body is essential for any man striving to become the best version of himself. Exercise not only strengthens the body but also fortifies the mind. It demands discipline, dedication, determination, and consistency to push your body to its limits. This mental fortitude naturally carries over into other areas of life—whether it’s excelling at work, pursuing business goals, or cultivating meaningful relationships. That’s why we’re offering free resources to support your fitness journey, including training plans, diet guides, instructional videos, and the opportunity to ask fitness-related questions within our community. You’ll also have access to our founder, a certified trainer, for expert advice.

Train with the best

OUR Programs

1 - Month Training Plan

Take the first step toward building your frame with our 1-Month Free Training Plan. Tailored for men, this plan combines a structured workout routine with a detailed diet guide to help you develop strength, discipline, and consistency. At Men of Frame, we’re here to support your journey to becoming the best version of yourself.

1- Week HIIT

Unlock your potential with the Men of Frame 1-Week HIIT Training Program—a powerful mix of high-intensity workouts and structured recovery designed to push your limits. Build strength, burn fat, and cultivate the discipline and mental toughness that define a man of frame. Begin your journey today!

Must-read books

Bigger leaner stronger

I’ve been working out since 4th grade, but by 26, I felt like I’d hit a wall. No matter what I did, I wasn’t improving. Bigger Leaner Stronger changed that. Its science-backed, plain-English approach helped me break through my plateau. Now, at 30, I’m still making progress. This book is a game-changer for anyone serious about fitness.

Easy Strength

I was stuck at a 275lb squat for years. After reading Easy Strength, I finally understood that strength comes from the central nervous system and efficient movement. With this new approach, I hit a 350lb squat in just 3 months. This book is a game-changer for anyone serious about getting stronger.

Athletic Body in Balance

Many men focus on the "look good" muscles, but neglect athleticism, which is crucial as we age. Athletic Body in Balance showed me that true strength comes from functional movement, not just size. The book teaches how to balance strength, mobility, and agility—essential for staying active and injury-free. It’s a must-read for anyone who wants to train smart and stay athletic long-term.


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